Moving House

I'm slowly moving my blog back to Blogger simply because I miss having JavaScript add-ons like the ones from Smashwords and Goodreads. While I wish there was a Kindle option, too, I'm happy with the ones I have right now, which are along the right side. It just means that I have to get better with Smashwords formatting for novels, at least in a way that is aesthetically pleasing for me.

But while setting this blog up has been quite easy, I've been struck today by how much time is taken away by social media engagement and marketing from actual writing. I haven't written a word of my current work-in-progress, Collateral. Hopefully, I'll get to write 2k words tonight and move the story onwards.

But wouldn't you know it, I'm writing this while hanging out with my little one as he builds some Minecraft village because after all that work on Twitter and Goodreads and posting my short story on Amazon, I now need to spend time as a mom. After all, when everything is said and done, I may be a writer first, but I'm a mom first. Distracted most of the time maybe, but still a mom.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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