Where in The World...Are My Books?

I've seen this link floating around and have always made a mental note to look into it.  But like every mental note that never got written down, it disperses into the ether and I'm left with the same question, "where was I?"

So today, while reading Successful Self-Publishing by author and public speaker, Joanna Penn, I found it.  It's called Booklinker.net and you go and add the link to your book on Amazon, and voila! You end up with a global link page to all your books in the worldwide Amazon store.

Someone in Japan wants your book?  Well, they click on that global link and it takes them to Amazon Japan. Same thing happens to someone clicks the link from Germany or Canada - the link will take them to their the respective Germany or Canada Amazon pages featuring your book.

So without further ado, here are the links to a few of my books:

Loving Ashe -  myBook.to/lovingashe 

A Collateral Attraction - myBook.to/collateral

Finding Sam - myBook.to/findingsam

It can also link your Author page globally as well:

Liz Madrid - Author.to/LizMadrid

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